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How to Prepare Your Office for a Video Shoot

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

Professional video production companies carefully plan all aspects of a video shoot to ensure a smooth production, but it’s important to have your team help if you want to get the best results. First and foremost it’s about communication, by informing the entire staff, even those not on location about the date, time, location and importance of the production, you can expect a more involved, well presented and cooperative staff, all of which will elevate the final results of your video. Even if you are producing the video internally creating a quality video is a big investment, not only of marketing dollars but of time & personnel so make the most of this video marketing opportunity by ensuring your people know where to be, what to wear, what’s expected of them and by preparing your workplace with the following tips and tricks.

Select your space

It’s likely your office will become your Movie Set, so choose a location that shows your company in the best light. Make sure everything is clean and organized. Sweep, mop, even have the windows washed especially if you have glass dividers in your space. Ensure there are no logos or branding of other companies you don’t want to be shown and keep all non-essentials to the story out of site to avoid distractions.

We typically recommend selecting a room that has plenty of natural light and space to move around. Natural light helps give a warm natural feel with shape defining shadows and highlights. Deep, long rooms are also preferred because they leave enough contrast between the background and the person talking.

Pick the right props

Props are a great way to add substance to your video. You can use props as part of your presentation or to reinforce your message. If you plan on using props, make sure they work and your staff is trained in using them. For example, a well dressed employee walking a client through a stunning presentation on your new software can be a really powerful image, but when the tablet isn’t working and you have to shoot it a dozen times it really deflates the energy of the entire production. Trust us, we've been there.

Practice your lines

If your video shoot involves scripted lines, be sure to give your on camera talent time to practice & learn them. This will help your actors feel confident and informed about what they are sharing. But be careful to not overdo it. You don’t want the lines to sound forced or fake. Viewers prefer to watch people who have fun in their natural environment and are conversational and personable. If one of your actors keeps overselling the lines have someone on set ask them a question in which the line would be the answer, this can often make them feel more comfortable as if they were having a real conversation and not talking to a camera.

Hire a professional stylist

If it’s in your budget to add a touch of style, you can hire a professional hair and makeup artist for the day. These professionals know how to make the human face look flawless on the screen, can keep your hair in order and this give your actors some much-appreciated on screen confidence. With a little professional help, you can avoid distractions like shiny or blotchy skin and flyaway hairs.

Be well-rested and hydrated

Encourage your employees to show up well-rested and well-hydrated the day of the shoot. This matters more than you think. People who get enough sleep tend to have better attitudes and more energy, which pays off on potentially long shooting days. It also avoids yawning, forgetting lines, dark circles, fatigue and tension on set.

For a productive and stress-free video shoot at your office, follow the tips above. Important marketing days like these only happen every so often, so it’s important to make the most of them! To take your corporate video production to the next level, contact Custom Video Productions, Inc today.


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